The SPRL B TAXI, whose registered office is located at Place des Maïeurs 4 bte 20, 1150 Brussels, registered with the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises under the number BE0452.731.068, hereinafter referred to in these general conditions as B TAXI, is the owner of the B TAXI mobile application. These general conditions aim to define the terms and conditions of use of the B TAXI mobile application for mobile devices as well as on the website btaxi.eu and made available by B TAXI. Any subscription to the B TAXI application, both on mobile devices and on the website btaxi.eu, by the Client and/or Driver constitutes full and unconditional acceptance of these general terms of use.

These general terms of use apply to all services offered by B Taxi. If the Client and/or Driver does not accept all or part of these terms, they must refrain from using the B Taxi Application and, more generally, any service offered by B Taxi.


1. The 'Website' refers to the site btaxi.eu from which the services available on the B Taxi Application are accessible.

2. The 'Application' means the B Taxi mobile application owned by B Taxi. The application operates on iOS and Android operating systems and can be downloaded for free by the Client on smartphones and tablets. It facilitates the connection between the Client of the Application and the Drivers for the purpose of booking a private passenger transport service, hereinafter referred to as the 'Ride.'

3. The 'Client' means any individual over eighteen (18) years old or any legal entity that has subscribed to the B Taxi Application for mobile devices and via the website btaxi.eu.

4. The 'Driver' refers to the service providers with whom B Taxi has concluded—directly or indirectly or through its subsidiaries—partnership agreements with taxi groups, designated to form a national and international taxi transport network. The Drivers hold a valid driver's license, a professional taxi driver certificate, a valid professional card, and drive a taxi-equipped vehicle compliant with current regulations. They provide passenger transport services on their own account and under their own responsibility during their working hours.

5. The 'Order' refers to the purchase and booking of the Ride made by the User via the Application, completed by the Client on the website btaxi.eu or via the B Taxi mobile Application.

6. The 'Ride' refers to the transport service requested by the Client and carried out by the Driver through the use of the B Taxi Application or the website btaxi.eu. The Ride is always performed by a Driver affiliated with B Taxi's Partner who has a Taxi.

7. The 'Taxi' means any taxi-equipped vehicle, compliant with current regulations, and driven by a Driver.


1. The service provided by B Taxi consists of searching, on behalf of the Client, for an available Taxi in the area of the Ride request using a geolocation system for the Client and/or the Driver. The covered area is in Belgium. The search for a Driver is conducted based on the indications and criteria provided by the Client.

2. The Ride is performed by the Taxi Driver, who carries out the requested transport service on their own account and under their own responsibility.

3. The Client and the Driver acknowledge that the services offered by B Taxi through the B Taxi Application consist solely of :
- connecting the Client with one or more Drivers;
- enabling the Client to choose and book a Taxi after being connected with one or more Drivers.


1. By using the B Taxi Application or service, the Client and the Driver enter into a contract with B Taxi. To use the application or service, the Client and the Driver must first register with B Taxi. During this registration, the Client and the Driver must provide B Taxi with their personal information and their mobile phone numbers. If the registration is successful, B Taxi will provide the Client/Driver with a personal account that they can access using a password chosen by them. These credentials are personal and confidential to the Client/Driver. They must not be disclosed or shared with third parties. The Client and the Driver are solely responsible for the use of the application and their account. It is their responsibility to ensure that no fraud has occurred, is occurring, or can occur using their credentials, and in case of doubt, they should immediately change these confidential credentials using the Application.

2. The Client is legally and financially responsible for all ride requests made using the access codes and confidential codes linked to their account.

3. To register with B Taxi, one must be over 18 years old and legally competent. The Client is responsible for the accuracy of the information they provide to B Taxi. If the Client creates an account for a legal entity, they explicitly acknowledge that they are authorized to do so and to bind that legal entity to these terms of use, and to register it to use the B Taxi service and Application.


Access to B Taxi is available 24/7. However, access procedures to B Taxi may be modified by B Taxi. B Taxi also reserves the right to interrupt access, with or without notice, for reasons related to operational constraints. Using the B Taxi service requires compatible hardware, Internet access, and certain software. The B Taxi application may periodically require updates that could affect the performance of these elements.


Different levels of services can be selected by the Client :
1. 'B Taxi': Advance and immediate booking of a standard Taxi.
2. 'Valido (P.M.R.)': Advance and immediate booking of an adapted and equipped Taxi
for the accommodation of persons with reduced mobility.
3. 'B Taxi Green': Advance or immediate booking of a hybrid or 100% electric Taxi vehicle.
4. 'Cabelux': Advance or immediate booking of a luxury Taxi vehicle.
The availability of these different services in the area selected by the Client depends solely on the Drivers.
If the Client selects services 2 and 3 mentioned above, B Taxi will make every effort to find a Taxi that meets the request. In case of unavailability, B Taxi reserves the right to send another type of Taxi, which the Client accepts.


1. Immediate Requests
When making a Taxi reservation request, the Client must indicate whether the request is immediate or not, as well as the specifics of the Ride, particularly the address where the Client wishes to be picked up. Based on the Client's request criteria, B Taxi commits to indicating the presence of one or more available Taxis affiliated with the B Taxi application and providing their approximate geolocation.
To activate the service and initiate their Order, the Client must :
- Set and transmit their pickup address, meaning their real-time geographic location with as much accuracy as possible, including the street and street number where they will be at the time of pickup;
- Optionally provide their destination address. The pickup address cannot be located on roads incompatible with parking, such as intersections, highways, etc. B Taxi cannot be held responsible for any input errors when defining the pickup address. The Client must keep their device turned on and connected to the Internet to receive the response to their request.

2. Advance Booking. An advance booking involves B Taxi recording a Taxi request made by the Client at least 1 hour before the scheduled departure time of the requested Ride. This does not involve reserving a specific vehicle as in the case of an immediate Ride, but rather scheduling a search for a Taxi vehicle that is programmed by the Driver to be carried out within a variable timeframe, depending on expected traffic conditions.

3. Pickup. The Client must board the Taxi as soon as it arrives at the indicated address, immediately in the case of an immediate request or at the scheduled time in the case of an advance booking. The Driver is authorized to leave 10 minutes after arriving at the indicated address without prior notice if the Client is absent. In such a case, the Driver notes the no-show and terminates the Ride.


1. The cancellation or modification of the Order must be made by the Client before the reserved vehicle has set out to fulfill the Order, whether it is an immediate or advance Ride.

2. By 'setting out,'' the Client accepts and acknowledges that this refers to the moment when a Taxi identified to fulfill the Client's Order starts moving towards the pickup location indicated by the Client. This setting out is indicated in B Taxi by the change of the Ride status to 'Taxi heading your way', with the Taxi identified by the Order number previously communicated to the Client.

The cancellation for an immediate ride will not be charged, provided that the cancellation is made within 5 minutes after ordering the vehicle; otherwise, an amount of €5.00 will be debited from your account.
The cancellation for an advance ride is divided into levels :
Level 1 : The booking will not be charged, provided that the cancellation is made 60 minutes before the vehicle's arrival; otherwise, an amount of €5.00 will be debited from your account.
Level 2 : The booking will not be charged, provided that the cancellation is made 20 minutes before the vehicle's arrival; otherwise, an amount of €10.00 will be debited from your account.
If the cancellation or modification of the Order is made after the vehicle has set out, the Driver will be immediately informed of the cancellation or modification of the ongoing Ride.


Throughout the use of the B Taxi application, the Driver and the Client commit to complying with the Traffic Laws and, more generally, with the applicable regulations and legislation. In particular, the Driver agrees to use the B Taxi application only when the Taxi is stopped.


1. B Taxi offers the possibility of payment by credit card, through a Stripe account, or via a B Taxi credit account, pre-funded by a credit card. The Stripe payment system involves B Taxi collecting the amount of the Ride.

2. The Client also has the option to pay for the service directly in cash to the Driver at the end of the Ride, as well as through a payment terminal installed in the Taxi.

3. The Client is informed and accepts that the Driver is authorized to start the Taxi meter from the moment of arrival at the Client's address and its validation by B Taxi. The Ride will be paid by the Client directly to the Driver, for the amount shown on the meter. Consequently, the Client agrees to make all necessary arrangements to be able to make said payment.

4. If payment is made directly between the Client and the Driver, the Driver is required to record the final status of the ride using the dedicated functionality in the B Taxi application.


1. B Taxi's liability is limited to finding an available Taxi at the address indicated by the Client, with B Taxi committing to making every effort to find an available Taxi as quickly as possible among the affiliated Drivers. After booking confirmation, the transport service or ride is carried out at the Client's request under the sole responsibility of the Driver, excluding any other parties.

2. B Taxi's liability cannot be engaged if the search for a Taxi is unsuccessful due to Taxi unavailability. B Taxi's liability cannot be engaged in cases of force majeure and more generally in the following situations: IT or telecommunications network failures preventing online services availability, strikes, demonstrations, bad weather, traffic accidents disrupting traffic, unusually severe traffic jams, or Taxi breakdowns.

3. The execution of the Ride is under the sole responsibility of the Driver. In the event of delays caused by the Driver who accepted the Ride, non-performance, or poor performance of the Ride by the Driver, B Taxi's liability cannot be engaged. The Client's departure or cancellation of the Order by the Client will not, under any circumstances, engage B Taxi's liability.

4. No refund of the Ride, for any reason whatsoever, can be requested from B Taxi, neither by the Client nor the Driver. B Taxi recommends that each Client allows an additional precautionary margin of thirty (30) minutes for train stations and forty-five (45) minutes for airports under normal traffic conditions.

5. The Driver and the Client acknowledge that B Taxi is only bound by a best-efforts obligation in the services provided through B Taxi.

6. In case of non-payment of the Ride by the Client, the Driver cannot hold B Taxi responsible.


Without prejudice to Article VIII of these general conditions, the Client is informed that, concerning the search and provision of a transport service, there is no right of withdrawal according to Articles VI.53 and VI 73,12° of the Code of Economic Law.


1. All elements of the B Taxi website or Applications (graphics, images, texts, logos, databases, programs), including those appearing on B Taxi, are the exclusive property of B Taxi. The Client and the Driver agree that, except with explicit written authorization from B Taxi, they cannot copy, in whole or in part, B Taxi, in any manner or on any medium, nor adapt, translate, sell, rent, lend, disclose to the public, or create derivative works from the aforementioned elements, and more generally, they must not take any action that violates B Taxi's copyrights protected by the Law of June 6, 1994, on Copyright and Related Rights.

2. The Client and the Driver are informed that B Taxi is a registered trademark. They acknowledge and agree that they do not have any operating license and therefore cannot transfer this verbal and figurative mark in any capacity, directly or indirectly, to a third party without prior authorization from B Taxi.


B Taxi reserves the right to modify the general terms of use of the services by publishing a new version of the general terms relating to its B Taxi Smartphone Application. The applicable general conditions are those in effect on the date of service use.


1. The Client, the Driver, and B Taxi commit to strictly complying with the obligations concerning personal data as provided by the law of December 8, 1992, on the protection of privacy concerning the processing of personal data.

2. This means, in particular, that they commit to taking the necessary technical and organizational measures to protect the data against accidental or unauthorized destruction, accidental loss, as well as modification, access, and any other unauthorized processing of data.

3. The Client and the Driver agree that B Taxi may collect and use technical data and related information, including but not limited to technical information about devices, system and application software, and peripherals, which are periodically gathered to facilitate the provision of updates to the B Taxi Application, product support, and other services related to the licensed software. B Taxi may use this information, as long as it is presented in a form that does not personally identify you, to improve its products or to provide services or technologies to you and only for the period necessary for this purpose. The Client and the Driver acknowledge and agree that in using the B Taxi Application and internet service, B Taxi reserves the right to record, use, and retain, for proof purposes and to optimize the booking management process, all information related to received Orders, the identification data of the Client and/or Driver. It is specified that B Taxi ensures the confidentiality of the personal data communicated by the Client and/or the Driver.


These general conditions are subject to Belgian law. In case of dispute and more generally in the event of disagreement over the interpretation, execution, and fulfillment of any service ordered via the B Taxi Application, the matter will be brought before the competent courts in the judicial district of Brussels-Capital, sitting in French, unless B Taxi decides to bring the dispute before another jurisdiction of its choice.